The business offers a variety of Building Services & Engineering Support across the sectors in which it operates. The core skills of the business have stood it in good stead as it has expanded over the years. The Company will admit if pressed, that the quality of workmanship and the skills required for services is of the highest order and our heritage in this area sets us in good stead to address the full range of M&E challenges our clients pose us.

We would be happy to discuss your exact requirements in order that a service tailored to your specific needs can be offered.

The Aim

Our Focus is Excellence and our objective is to ensure that our customers are more than just fully satisfied with the quality, the price and the delivery of their service. This statement may be seen as a marketing spin. However, in relation to this Company, it means something real as it is the driver behind our success through repeat business.

Quality & Safety

The Company is accredited with ISO 9001 and we are committed to providing the highest standards of Health & Safety. We strive for continuous improvement through monitoring and training in both our Quality and Health & Safety procedures. We endeavour to ensure that our employees reach their full potential by always providing premier quality workmanship in the safest working environment.


The Company has a reputation for providing customer-specific quality service on time and within budget. Over the years our development strategy has been to ensure our growing customer base continues to benefit from this experience. The technical expertise that is required within the suite of operations is at a high level and the Company is able to offer a mix of multi-disciplinary engineering skills to design and deliver your solution.

Customers throughout the UK have been instrumental in the growth and success relies on being prepared and able to change to meet customer-specific requirements and continuing to be aware of new and changing technologies and market influences. An example is the growth of the Company from 2013 to 2016 which was based on the decision to grow the business organically by investing in the calibre of staff to make this happen without overextending.